Parents’ Association Macmillan Coffee Morning Raised £986


The national Coffee Morning is Macmillan's biggest fundraising event, where the charity asks people across the UK to hold a coffee morning and raise money for people living with cancer. In 2013, 154,000 people signed up, raising a record £20 million and this year the current total stands at £8,718,863.

The sun shone for the annual St John’s PA Macmillan coffee morning which is held each year in the Master's Lodge of St John’s College, the beautiful private residence of the Master and his wife. The cakes, made by PA committee members and kind friends, looked and tasted fantastic and put everyone in the mood to donate to the sum of £986 to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Mrs Lucy White, Parents’ Association Chairperson, explained, “Around 75 parents came for coffee and to sample the delicious home baked cakes, which they were able to enjoy whilst chatting to friends, looking around the Lodge and enjoying the fantastic gardens in the sunshine.” The cakes which were left over were offered to parents in exchange for a donation. Two parents won the raffle gifts of a bottle of champagne kindly donated. The raffle money contributed to the overall amount raised which exceeded amounts raised in previous years.

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