News list

Chartered sport psychologist and founder and director of 'think.believe.perform', Helen Davis, gave an inspirational talk to Form 6 about what we can learn from highly successful athletes. Helen believes that achieving success in sport depends not only on your physical ability but also very much on the strength of your mindset.
A Year 7 pupil treated the St John's community to a first-class performance of Finzi's 'Five Bagatelles' for Clarinet and Piano. First performed in London in January 1943 by Pauline Juler and core repertoire for professional clarinetists in recitals ever since, this delightful set of pieces was performed with great maturity, technical assurance and characterful expressiveness.
A former Team GB para athlete and St John's College School alumnus is more than halfway through a solo skiing expedition to the South Pole.
The Choir of St John’s College Cambridge went on a festive tour to Budapest, Munich and Hamburg just before Christmas. Our 13 Choristers were accompanied by the rest of the Choir, two College Organ Scholars, as well as the Director of Music, Christopher Gray.
Form 6 recently embarked on an Art trip to the Imperial War Museum Duxford, spending the afternoon capturing the details of planes, hangars and historical wartime artefacts through their drawings. Nestled in the expansive grounds of the renowned former airfield from the First and Second World Wars, Duxford provided the perfect backdrop for them to explore.
On the second day of term, our Form 1 children enjoyed a morning filled with educational experiences that tantalised their taste buds, sparked their creativity, and broadened their cultural horizons. Their 'Italy' Wow Morning combined a carousel of hands-on activities with historical insights and language learning, providing a memorable and enriching experience for the children before they learn more about this fascinating country throughout the term.
Following the success of last year’s Scheherazade, Form 4 put on an exceptional performance of Fantastic Mr Fox which contained moments of humour and suspense, paired with the ridiculous throughout the story. The theme of ‘playfulness’ was at the centre of the production, shown with moments of comedy chases and the humorous demise of the three nasty farmers, Boggis, Bunce and Bean. 
St John's celebrated Christmas Jumper Day with both staff and pupils eager to join in. With an array of reindeer, Santas and even the odd Grinch everyone looked festive-tastic! Pupils were encouraged to wear their favourite Christmas jumpers alongside their uniform for the small fee of £2. We were delighted to have raised over £700 for Jimmy's Cambridge.
St John's has hosted a wealth of informal lunchtime and evening concerts this term and the whole school community always looks forward to the two Services in Preparation for Christmas at St John's College Chapel in the final few days of the Michaelmas term. In the week prior to these Services nearly 40 talented musicians across Senior House performed at this year's Piazza Brass concert.
Our annual festive Service in Preparation for Christmas was held on 10th and 11th December in the magnificent Chapel of St John’s College. A range of carols, poems and readings were presented by St John’s children. Five of our Choirs sang, culminating in a combined performance of 'I Saw Three Ships', arrangement by Malcolm Archer, towards the end of each Service. Over £386 was raised for Home-Start Cambridgeshire and Castle School from the retiring collection.