News list

@ SJCS_Cambridge

Sep 2020

2H loved creating their African scenes after reading the first page of ‘Mama Miti’ (a book about Wangari Mathai). The children used their colourful scenes as inspiration to create their own similes & personification. #creative #inspiration #writing #Africa

@ SJCS_Cambridge

Sep 2020

2H loved creating their African scenes after reading the first page of ‘Mama Miti’ (a book about Wangari Mathai). The children used their colourful scenes as inspiration to create their own similes & personification. #creative #inspiration #writing #Africa

@ SJCS_Cambridge

Sep 2020

What lurks in the leaf litter? F4 use paint brushes to carefully sort through the debris & use a dichotomous key to identify then record what they have found. The keys consist of a series of choices that lead the children to the correct name of each creature #science #nature #key

@ SJCS_Cambridge

Sep 2020

Tremendous excitement for all the children at BH as they have spotted a bird who has been nesting in one of the trees in the playground for a couple of weeks. Updates to follow! #nature #birdwatching #science

Form 2's Tallest Tower STEM Challenge 2020

Sep 2020
Our Form 2 classes benefit from a Wednesday afternoon of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) every week throughout each of the three terms. The children are able to use the extensive facilities on offer at Senior House in our two Science labs and computing suite. Already this term they have carried out an orienteering session and as one of their first STEM teamwork missions, they undertook an engineering project which centred on working collaboratively to build the tallest freestanding structure using only 40 straws and 20 pipe cleaners.

St John's Sport Ethos 2020

Sep 2020
The School's aim is to develop all pupils’ sporting ability to the full by providing a diverse, challenging, multi-sport experience at all ages and across all abilities. Sport can help to develop confidence and a positive mental attitude that permeates all aspects of a child's life. We hope to develop a love of sport that will last our children a lifetime. In offering such a wide range of sports we feel confident that the school has something for every ability and interest. We recognise the important mental and physical benefits that come with regular play and competition. Equally, we understand the development of fundamental skills that emerge by participating and competing in sport that can help children achieve their goals irrespective of where their paths may take them after they have left St John's.  
